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Treatments and FAQ

If we haven't answered your question below contact us and we will be happy to help you.

  • What is Solution Focused hypnotherapy?
    Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is a highly effective and safe combination of talking psychotherapy and hypnosis. It differs from other forms of talk therapy because we do not focus on the past or delve deeply into the issues. Our focus is on the future – how you want to be feeling and what you want to be doing – and helping you achieve positive outcomes. Our aim is to empower you to recognise the skills and resources you already have and to discover the small steps which you can take to help you move forward and cope with the day to day challenges life throws at us.
  • What is Hypnosis?
    Hypnosis, often refered to as trance, is very ordinary in many ways, we all go into trance multiple times a day, watching TV or driving for example. It is an altered state of awareness which involves hightened concentration and focus, It is a very natural and essential brain state in which you have full control at all times. During the session you will be guided into this state where we can create positive change, this is done via relaxation. In a hypnotherapy session you will get comfortable, listen to the sound of my voice with music playing in the background. NO swinging clocks, NO clicking of fingers and definately NO clucking like a chicken!!
  • Will I have to talk about my past trauma?
    Absolutely not, solution focused therapy does not need to address past issues or revisit painful memories. We work in the present, finding solutions to move you forward and discover the best version of you!
  • How many sessions will I need?
    You will be pleased to know we work very quickly! On average 6 - 12 sessions are all that is required, however this is entirely dependant on the individual needs and goals. For Phobia clients, 3 sessions are all that is necessary, and Smoking cessation is complete in 1 longer session. Please see the prices page for packages available.
  • Who can have hypnotherapy?
    Hypnotherapy will benefit almost anyone! We see all sorts of people in a range of ages, hypnotherapy is safe and enjoyable for children and teens up to any age, in fact, the earlier they learn these techniques the better equipped they will be in life to stay mentally healthy and cope with anything life throws at them! At the Little Tree Practice we currently see children from the age of 7 years. Solution Focussed hypnotherapy is beneficial for both neurotypical and neurodivergent folks as it helps reduce stress levels, improve emotional regulation and increase self awareness. If you are struggling with any symptom of depression or anxiety, low confidence or just want to enhance your performance in that interview, we help people from all walks of life. For a more comprehensive list please look at the treatments section on this page.
  • Do you work with children?
    Yes! Solution Focussed hypnotherapy is safe and wonderful for children and teens, helping them early on to understand how their brain works and build mental and emotional resilience for their life ahead. Gemma has worked with children as young as 6yrs old and has many years of experience in communicating with children and teens, she has also delivered talks in schools in class room settings. So whether it is for exam stress, trepidation over change of school, general anxiety, low confidence or anything else, book a free consultation to discuss how SFH can help your child.

Solution focused hypnotherapy is highly effective in helping people with the following..


  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Low mood

  • Stress

  • Anger

  • Insomnia

  • IBS

  • Weight management

  • Pain management

  • PTSD

  • Grief

  • Phobias and irrational fears

  • OCD

  • Self confidence

  • Performance Enhancement

  • Smoking cessation

  • Forthcoming events e.g presentations, driving tests, exams

  • Addictions

  • Migraines

  • Panic Attacks

  • Fertility

  • Relationship/marital difficulties

  • General Health and Well-being

Common complaints

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